On the night of April 12, parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church of Three Saints, celebrated the radiant feast of the Resurrection of Christ! During the day on May 4th, the Paschal Baskets were blessed by Parish rector Archpriest George Konyev. The Acts of the Apostles were read before the Holy Shroud prior to the beginning of the Midnight Office. During the singing of the Ninth Ode, "Do Not Lament Me O Mother", the Holy Shroud was returned to the Holy Altar Table where it will remain until the Ascension of Christ.
At 12:00 the clergy in the Altar began singing, "Thy Resurrection o Christ our Savior" in which the Paschal Procession commenced. At the principal doors of the Church, with the exclamation of the Festal Troparion, "Christ is Risen from the Dead.." the Matins of Pascha began. During the Matins, the Sermon of St. John Chrysostom was read from the solea. At the end of Matins, eggs were blessed and distributed among the faithful.
Hours later the same day, the Triumphant Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom was served. Communion was distributed to hundreds of faithful who flocked to Three Saints Church.